Yhteydenottolomake ei ole käytössä, mikäli tietosuojailmoitusta ei ole hyväksytty. Voit hyväksyä ilmoituksen ja ottaa palvelun käyttöön valikosta yksityisyys kohdasta.

Cloudator työpaikkana

#cloudatorgang tarvitsee sinua.

Tule rakentamaan tulevaisuuden työskentelyä

Tarjoamme 8 sijaintia Euroopassa, hyvät etuudet sekä inspiroivan työympäristön markkinoiden johtavassa SaaS yrityksessä.


Haluamme huomioida työntekijöidemme henkilökohtaisia tarpeita – siksi tarjoamme joustavan työajan, mahdollisuuden vapaisiin tarpeen tullen sekä etätyöskentelyyn.

Yhteiset tapahtumat

Järjestämme vähintään kaksi kertaa vuodessa koko yrityksen laajuisen kokoontumisen, joka toimii aivoriihenä sekä paikkana inspiroitua ja juhlia yhdessä.

Palkkapäivän pizza

Jokaisena palkkapäivänä kiitämme jokaista työntekijää hyvin tehdystä työstä järjestämällä yhteisen lounaan.


Liity jo olemassa olevaan kerhotoimintaan kuten juoksuun, tomaattien viljelyyn tai hackathoniin. Järjestämme myös spontaaneja pop-up aktiviteetteja. Voit aina myös perustaa oman kerhosi ja kutsua työkaverit mukaan.

Hyvinvointi ja terveys

Haluamme tukea terveellisiä elämäntapoja tarjoamalla kaikille työntekijöille hyvinvointibudjetin, jonka kukin voi käyttää haluamallaan tavalla.

Great Place To Work

Saimme Great Place to Work palkinnon vuosina 2017 ja 2018. Olemme olleet erityisen menestyneitä kategoriassa Ihmiset & Kulttuuri.

Cloudator uratarinat

Tämä tarina on ainoastaan luettavissa englanniksi.

I’m working as a Software Developer at Cloudator. I’m creating our Payroll product by adding new features and doing improvements. What I like most about my job is that our team is in control of everything, which makes it easy to see the big picture and come up with new ideas on how to improve our product and ways of working. I also like the fact that we can be creative, choose the best tools together and do work that really matters.

We are working with complex issues and sometimes our challenge is lack of time. However, I feel like there are no impossible barriers and together we can deal with anything.

The best part of our team is that everyone is helpful and everyone cares. It is great to work with people who care!

Already after my first few months at Cloudator, I felt that I had learnt a lot.

I’m improving all the time and becoming a better developer. I guess that I have learnt a thing or two in the human level as well.

Besides the actual work, the atmosphere and people make Cloudator a great place to work. It is just simply nice to be here. We’re having a lot of events and casual hangouts together, which I love. I remember especially this one time when we went to a park after work to play some petanque. It was just a casual get-together but it was so much fun.

- Ed, ohjelmistokehittäjä.

Tämä tarina on ainoastaan luettavissa englanniksi.

My name is Minna, and here in Cloudator I'm working as a Principal Consultant. In my case it means, that I'm Workday certified consultant in three product areas; HCM, Recruiting and Learning.

I'm working more or less in the projects, and the key task is to fulfill customer's requests how the system should work. The most exciting part in my job is to see how customer's requirements are getting built in to the system.

Sometimes the challenge is to keep in the same pace the system continues to evolve - bunch of new features are being pushed to the system every 6 months, or even more often.

Working at Cloudator has taught me that it actually is possible to learn something new every day.

Work culture in Cloudator is totally different when comparing to any other consulting company I've seen - we are definitely working as a team, sharing information, and no-one is left alone with his/her project. That was also the reason I joined in the first place.

- Minna, Workday HCM konsultti

Tämä tarina on ainoastaan luettavissa englanniksi.

I’m working as a Principal Consultant. My job is to help and support our clients in successfully deploying their Workday Finance solution.

Versatile tasks, learning new things constantly and understanding and solving customers’ problems are the most exciting parts of my job. On top of that, I love working in this joyful and open atmosphere we have here!

Our clients’ ways of working are often highly dependent on country, business and the company, which creates some challenges in my job. Workday Finance is a rather new product in the Nordic market area and sometimes matching the American solution to Nordic specialties can be a bit tricky.

Working at Cloudator has thought me a lot. I’ve learnt to understand customers’ business and its requirements, to ask the right questions and to seek diverse solutions to the challenges we have faced.

The best thing in working at Cloudator must be the lovely, caring team spirit and culture. Celebrating small things, daily bursts of laughter and fun happenings at the office are really important little things that make my everyday work even more motivating!

- Essi, Workday Finance konsultti

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